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Welcome to the official website for West Down Parish Council

West Down Parish is situated in North Devon. The Parish Council meets in West Down Parish Hall on the first Wednesday in the month at 7.00 p.m. Members of the public are invited to attend these meetings.

Replacement Taxi Service for West Down during Mullacott road closure Wednesday 25th Sept to Friday 11th Oct 2024

Bus Service 303 will be unable to serve West Down for the duration of the Mullacott road closure (see dates above).
Devon County Council have organised for a replacement taxi service to operate between West Down and Braunton.

See link below

Download document (pdf)

24th September 2024

Road Closure - Monday 16th September 2024 to Friday 11th October 2024 - Twitchen Cross

Please see the link below regarding Devon Highways undertaking drainage works on the road from Twitchen Cross to Trimstone Cross plus the road from Mullacott Cross to Twitchen Cross between Monday 16th September 2024 to Friday 11th October 2024.

Download document (pdf)

29th August 2024

Next Parish Council Meeting - Wednesday 2nd October 2024 - 6.45 pm (not 7.00 pm as usual)

The Parish Council usually meet on the first Wednesday of the month at
7.00 p.m. in West Down Parish Hall.

The Public and Press are cordially invited to be present
Village Tidy Up

Village Tidy Up

Our thanks go out to all those who were involved in the recent litter pick around the village.

West Down is a lovely village and the help by those involved to keep it this way is much appreciated.

West Down Parish Council Small Grant Fund

Each year West Down Parish Council allocates an expenditure budget from the annual precept in order to support local groups and organisations.

Please see link below to our Notice about this.

West Down Parish Council Small Grant Fund Notice (pdf)

Summer 2024 Newsletter from Devon & Cornwall Police

Please click on link below for the latest Newsletter from Devon & Cornwall Police.

Download document (pdf)

West Down Housing Needs Survey

Please see link for Devon Communities Together's Housing Needs Survey for West Down.

Download document (pdf)

County Councillor Report - April 2024

County Councillor Report - April 2024

County Councillor Andrea Davis with SoS for Transport Mark Harper on a visit to the Parish at the end of March 2024.

See link to County Councillor Davis's report.

In this report you will see a link to the Devon Retrofit guide as part of Devon County Council's work to improve the quality and speed of work to improve the energy efficiency of homes.

Download document (pdf)

King Charles III Coronation Bench

King Charles III Coronation Bench

The Parish Council applied for a Community Councillor Grant to purchase a bench to commemorate the Coronation of King Charles III. This application was successful and the bench is outside the Parish Hall.

District Councillor Wilkinson visited the bench when he attended a meeting at West Down when he kindly sat for a photo shoot.

Thanks go to North Devon Council for this grant which has provided a valuable asset to the Community

Emergency Plan for West Down

Please click on the link below to access the Emergency Plan for West Down. A letter has been delivered to a lot of properties in the village seeking skills/equipment that you may be able to offer. If you have not received this letter you can download it in the link below.

It is important that you read the Emergency Plan so that you know what to do in the event of an incident occurring.

Thank you to members of the community who attended the engagement meeting on the 15th January 2024. A copy of the presentation can also be found in the link below.

Download document (pdf)

Notice of Vacancy - West Down Parish Council

Please see link below following the resignation of Parish Councillor Sue Squire from West Down Parish Council

Download document (pdf)

15th February 2024

Emergency Telephone Number if your home is affected by flooding

If any householder has flooding to their property they are being asked to report this on the emergency number below as it will go straight through to the contractor for a call out.

Highway emergency number - 0345 155 1004

Make the Vision Zero Road Safety Pledge

This week marks national Road Safety week and all road users across Devon & Cornwall are being asked to sign up to the Vision Zero South West Road Safety Pledge.

Do you part by signing the pledge.

Download document (pdf)

4th December 2023

Dog Poo

Parish Council Chair Sue Ayre went out around the village recently checking some of the Parish Council property.

She had a close encounter at Pullands Bridge in the Grass...

A kind gentleman was able to provide her with a bag and she was able to collect it and walk a few steps and deposit it correctly into the Parish Council provided Dog waste bin. Please be a responsible dog owner.

West Down Emergency Plan - Meeting at the Parish Hall - Tuesday 18th July 2023 - 7.00 p.m.

Help is required from the people of the Parish.

Do you have skills that will assist with the preparation of the West Down Emergency Plan?

See Poster Attached. A meeting has been set for the 18th July at 7.00 p.m. at the Parish Hall.

Please come along and aid this vital work for the community. Refreshments will be provided.

Download document (pdf)

22nd June 2023

Wrought Iron Bench - Community Park

Wrought Iron Bench - Community Park

The Parish Council were delighted to receive funding for this bench out of the District Councillor's grant. This bench has been placed around the Oak Tree in the Park for all to enjoy. Councillors Sue Ayre and Tony Verney can be seen relaxing on this bench which is a great asset to the village.

20th June 2023

Wrought Iron Bench - Community Park

Wrought Iron Bench - Community Park

Further picture of wrought iron bench.

20th June 2023

New Bridge - Footpath from the Community Park to Aylescott Lane

New Bridge - Footpath from the Community Park to Aylescott Lane

The Parish Council are delighted with the new bridge on Footpath 12. The Parish Council have worked hard in conjunction with Ros Davies of the P3 Footpath Team at Devon County Council to make this happen.

20th June 2023

Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Annual Governance & Accountability Return - 2022-2023

Any person interested has the right to inspect and make copies of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return, the accounting records for the financial year to which it relates and other documents relating to those records. See link for this Notice. These documents will be available on reasonable notice commencing on Monday 5 June 2023 and Friday 14 July 2023.
The Annual Governance Statement and Accounting Statements can be found under the Financial Documents heading on this website.

Notice of Public Rights (pdf)

Post Office Outreach Service - Your Parish Council Needs YOU.

If you were able to attend the Public Meeting recently at the West Down Parish Hall in respect of the Community Outreach Post Office, thank you for your time and support.

If you were not able to make that meeting, you can still support the community by becoming involved with the way forward for the Post Office.

See Poster attached. Closing date Monday 17th April 2023

Download document (pdf)

Notice of Elections - 2023

Please see attached the Notice of Elections which is a legal requirement to be published on the 17th March 2023.

Download document (pdf)

Public Meeting - Post Office Outreach Service, West Down

Please see the attached Notice regarding a meeting being held on Wednesday 29th March 2023 at 7.00 pm at the Parish Hall at West Down.

This is to look at the longer-term future of the Post Office Outreach Service, including ideas about alternative venues.

Download document (pdf)

White Cross Floating Offshore Windfarm project

Please see attached a poster providing details of the next round of consultation events for the White Cross floating offshore windfarm project which are being held on the 28 and 29 March 2023.

Download document (pdf)

Photo ID Requirements for Elections on 4th May 2023

Please see the attached summary of the requirements to vote in the elections on 4th May 2023. This does not apply to postal votes.

Download document (pdf)

Town & Parish Councillors - Would you be interested in standing to become elected?

Town & Parish Councillors can make a real difference in the community.
Please click on this attachment for more information.

Download document (pdf)

Queens Green Canopy Oak Tree

Queens Green Canopy Oak Tree

John Stainer (Chair of West Down Community Park) and Cllr Sue Ayre (Chair of West Down Parish Council) with the Queens Green Canopy Oak Tree in the Community Park.

17th November 2022

Flowers Left at the Queens Green Canopy Tree in the Community Park

Flowers Left at the Queens Green Canopy Tree in the Community Park

A number of flowers were left in tribute to HM Queen Elizabeth II at the Oak tree planted for her Platinum Jubilee.
Jubilee Tree

Jubilee Tree

A native Oak tree was planted in the Community Park by West Down Village Green Field Association to commemorate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee (Queen's Green Canopy). West Down Parish Council applied for funding for a commemorative plaque from Devon County Council which was supported by County Councillor Andrea Davis.
West Down Community Park

West Down Community Park

West Down Parish Council were delighted to work in collaboration with the West Down Community Park to apply for funding from North Devon Council's Climate & Environmental Grant. West Down Parish Council received in excess of £3,000.00 to support projects in the Park.

View full news item ››

Warning to dog owners - adders have been sighted.

If you think your dog has been bitten by an Adder, take it to a vet as quickly as possible. The sooner your dog sees a vet, the better their chances of making a full recovery.Carry your dog to reduce the spread of the Adder’s venom around your dog’s body.Bathe the wound in cold water to help control the swelling.Keep your dog warm, but not too warm, and quiet as you transport it to the vet.Don’t attempt any first aid as this can do more harm than good.If you don’t see the incident, sympt

View full news item ››

Dog Warden Visits

Dear Residents and Visitors

After continued reports and concerns of Dog Waste being left on the Public Highway, Community Field and other green areas it has become necessary to ask the Dog Warden Service from the Local Council to help.

The Dog Warden will visit the Village on a regular basis to check areas of concern.

Your assistance in keeping the Village clean is appreciated.

Kind regards
West Down Parish Council.

Ash dieback

Ash die-back is becoming increasingly prevalent and landowners are reminded that it is their responsibility to ensure public safety. Dead or diseased trees need to be removed or made safe where they could fall across roads or pathways. Advice and information can be found at the link below.

Devon County Council - Ash dieback

Parish Council Cleanup

Parish Council Cleanup

Once again the Parish Council is going around the village and doing some clearing up.

This has included picking up litter, but Councillor Sue Ayre has really gone beyond the call of duty by tackling the litter bin by Pulland Bridge. Sadly, this has been used to deposit bags of dog excrement, even though there is a bin specifically for these just 50 yards away on the ‘triangle’.

Sue removed 204 such bags from in and around the bin, cleaned the bin and put in a new bag. She has put up a notice reminding people that the bin is for litter and not dog excrement and it is hoped that this will do the trick as we cannot expect the staff who empty the litter bin to empty it when it contains waste of this nature.

We live in a lovely village and it is in everyone’s interest to keep it that way so it is important that we all do our bit.
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